What is an Australian Labradoodle?

A labradoodle is a cross between a purebred lab and purebred poodle, either standard or miniature. The breed was first developed in Australia in the 1970’s when the Royal Guide Dog Association of Australia was working to create an allergy friendly guide dog and has since become a popular pet due to the allergy friendly and low to no shed coat coupled with an easy going, friendly disposition.
Word spread on the assets of this new breed, and breeders in Australia started to work with the idea of improving and refining the breed. Soon breeders from around the globe joined in to develop the Australian Labradoodle we all know and love today.
Although different breeds were used in the initial fine tuning of the breed, today around the world three breeds are now used to make the Australian Labradoodle: Labrador Retriever, Poodle and Cocker Spaniel (English or American). At this point in time these are the only three breeds which may still be infused into the Australian Labradoodle, according to WALA Rules and Regulations

Sociable, smart and affectionate, the breed is sought after as a pet as well as a therapy and service dog and is also known to be easy to train, intuitive and loyal. Moderately active and athletic, your labradoodle may well love to hike, swim and play fetch and enjoys daily mental stimulation. Besides being a wonderful allergy friendlyfamily companion, service roles labradoodles are used for include seizure alert, diabetic alert, service, and therapy work. The labradoodle is also a desirable dog for sporting and agility competitions.

The Australian Labradoodle comes in three sizes: mini, medium, and standard, There are two allergy friendly coat types: fleece and wool. The four basic colors of black, yellow, caramel, and chocolate appear in a variety of different shades and patterns. Consistency in temperament and coat in the labradoodle is still being developed. Conscientious breeders, such as those in the WALA, are working toward refining both temperament and coat, while ensuring genetic health by carefully introducing new lines.
It is vital when purchasing your labradoodle, that you purchase from a responsible breeder. Make sure the breeder tests for common diseases in the labradoodle as well as follows ethical, healthy, and best practices in puppy raising. WALA breeders pledge to follow such practices, continue to learn, and are required to follow the WALA health testing standards and vet care.

Labradoodles Sizing Chart
Compare the sizes of Labradoodles in relation to s 5' 7" adult woman.
WALA Infusion Guidelines
Infusion Generation Guidelines for the Australian Labradoodle:
1. Foundation Parent Breed Infusion
Breeding a Labrador Retriever, Poodle or Cocker Spaniel (American or English) back to an ALD (any generation).
Note: Infusions of the three parent breeds to the ALD are limited to two within a six- generation pedigree (not including foundation parent breeds in the Labradoodle origin generation [LO]). This limitation has been historically accepted by the recognized and established Labradoodle breed organizions in the US, Austarlia, and Europe*. The parent breed infusion count limit does not include Labradoodle Origin dogs that may be in the six- generation pedigree.
2: LO Infusion
Breeding an LO (any generation) to an ALD (any generation).
3. Cockapoo (CP) and Spanador (SL) Infusion
Breeding a CP or SL to a LO (any generation) or an ALD (any generation) (CP is an American or English Cocker Spaniel bred with a Poodle), SL is an American or English Cocker Spaniel bred with a Labrador Retriever.) NOTE - CP and SL infusions are limited to two within a six-generation pedigree.
WALA is concerned about the increased use of the three-parent breed mis-infusion dogs, and has added this caveat to these broadly accepted rules. Additionally, on one CP or SL is allowed in the first three generations.
4. Cocker Spaniel (C ) Infusion
Breeding a Cocker Spaniel (English or American) to a LO (any generation) or an ALD (any generation)
NOTE – Infusions of Cocker Spaniels are limited to one within a six-generation pedigree. WALA is concerned about the increased use of the Cocker Spaneil and cockapoo in the development and future of the ALD, and has added this caveat to these broadly accepted rules. C infusion is only allowed shen there is no other C and CP infusions in 6 generations. Any pedigree containing more than two CP/SL infusions and/or more than one C infusion in a 6 generation pedigree reverts to a Foundation ALD.
For Breeders:
Currently, the accepted ALD foundation parent breeds are the Labrador Retriever, the Poodle (mini, moyen, and standard) and the English or American Cocker Spaniel.
The ALD is considered to be a blend of the Poodle, Cocker Spaniel, and Labrador Reitriever, with the Labradoodle origin is a blend of the Labrador Retriever and Poodle only.
WALA is dedicated to pretecting the future development fo the ALD and gidelines for the continued introduction of the parent breeds are being evaluated carefully.
WALA would like to offer the following consideration to those actively pursuing new lines and infusions: Due to what many term “popular sire syndrome”, breeder using parent breed or mixed parent breed dogs (male or female) should try to limit their total breeding offspring retained from a particular dog during its breeding career to 10 or fewer. The introduction of strong parent breed traits carry the capacity to change the look, temperament, and/or helath of the ALD which has been carefully developed thorugh the years. Also, having too many foundation dogs from the same gene pool in our genetic base makes it difficult to build new lines without overlapping and increasing COI for generations to come.
*WALA accepted clubs and association include, but are not limited to the following (to be reviewed and udated periodically) – ALA, ALAA, ALCA, ALAEU, AKC, CKC (Canadian Kennel Club)